sales & Business Promotion sales

At Joel of Pearl, we consider driving tangible revenue outcomes as a core deliverable of our partnerships.

Our Management team has proven an extensive experience in sales and business development focussed on the travel, tourism and airline industry.

We deploy a pan India Direct Sales network through a proprietary and partner network.Our sales people are well trained,motivated and follow a robust sales calling and reporting process.We customise sales tools and collateral based on our partner requirements.

We have a rich and extensive database of enterprises, Tour Operators, Destination Management Companies ,Corporate and retail Travel Agents. We are able to intelligently segment our data base for direct sales as well as above and below the line initiatives.We have in-house capabilities to design and develop direct mail and other communication material.

Joel of Pearl is experienced in organising Road Shows and targeted events aimed at building brand and business promotion of our partners. les as well as above and below the line initiatives.We have in-house capabilities to design and develop direct mail and other communication material.

In all the above ,our objective is to maximise ROE for our partners.
